Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rank System

There are a total of six different ranks in the White Hart Tribe. As you advance you will given new titles and responsibilities according to your rank. Every New Tribesman starts off low in rank, no matter how powerful your character is. Although most promotions are given out after you've been in the Tribe for a certain period of time, you may very well be promoted for special conduct, such as, saving the High King himself from a near death experience, slaying a well-known murderer single handedly (a head would be needed for proof), or even Dueling your way up! Barbarians are known for there love of war, if you want higher rank, duel a higher ranking Barbarian! Victor takes the position!

  • King- This is the highest rank in the Tribe, only the Guildmaster himself has this title, and as High King he has the ability to ban, demote, execute, command, or deal punishment to any member at any time, so respect your highest authority!
  • Tribe Prince- There are few princes to each Tribe, and only a maximum of two members can be a Prince at once. As a Tribe Prince you will be able to deal out punishments, lead hunts, even demote lower ranked members for rule-breaking behavior. In order to become a Prince you must have been in the Tribe for at least six months, or have beaten another Prince in combat.
  • Spirit Guardian- Only mages are Spirit Guardians, and only five Guardians will be allowed into the Tribe. As a spirit Guardian it is your job to read omens and cast blessings on the warriors before battle, and occasionally joining in on the hunt. You have the ability to tell any lower ranking Barbarian to do anything (as long as its appropriate).
  • Mead Hall Guard- You have one soul responsibility as a Mead Hall Guard, protect the High King and Tribe Prince. You will be tested for your loyalty to the Higher authority at this point, and you may be asked to do some humiliating things before you are chosen for promotion. But in the end it will be worth it, as a Guard you will always get the best quality equipment to best protect the Royalty of the Tribe, as well as the ability to command lower ranking Barbarians in battle. In order to become a Guard you must have been in the Tribe for at least one month.
  • Hunter- As a hunter it is your resposiblity to bring resourses to the Tribe. You will often be hunting creatures for their Pelts and slaying monsters for Gold. In order to become a Mead Hall Guard you must defeat one in single combat.