Wednesday, July 9, 2008

About Us

This will hopefully be a Tribe than brings all Barbarians together. We are a Lawful/Neutral Tribe and are very complex and well researched . Also we are not at all like other Barbarian tribes, we are a civilized and intelligent people that chooses a life in the wild. Others call us Barbarians because we choose not to live in walled cities with cobbled streets. Life in the wild may be more difficult but it makes us strong, cunning and fearless. Join us and see just how liberating life away from Brittain Bank can be. A quick list of basics about the Tribe are listed below.

  • First of all we are a Weeknight-Weekend Guild. When a meeting or hunt is held it will be at night on a weekday, or anytime during the weekend.
  • We are a PvM and PvP Guild, we strive to cleanse all Evils from Sosaria.
  • Champ Spawns and Level 5 treasure Hunts will be common!
  • Groups will be sent out to Murderer hotspots and hunts for the heads of reds will be also be common!
  • All crafters in our Guild will supply all crafted armor and weapons free of charge!
Now take time to scale the rest of the site, if you like what you see, contact me!
AIM- WhiteHartKing

Rules of Conduct

This is the most important area of this site, read it carefully and learn to obey these rules! If they are all followed you will find a Role-Playing Guild can be an incredible experience!

  • All Barbarians are REQUIRED to remain IN-CHARACTER at ALL times when IN-GAME. Failure to comply will result in a mild punishment for first time offenses. If caught out-of-character a second time, the punishment will be much more severe. And third time offenses will result in a demotion or expellment from the Guild.
  • All Barbarians are allowed to ride ONLY, Horses. (Ethereal(Spirit) Horses are permitted). If you are caught riding ANY other mounts, severe punishment will immediately follow.
  • No use of abbreviations (such as, lol, wtf) are allowed IN-GAME, EVER.
  • Speaking like a Barbarian couldnt be easier. NEVER use contractions such as cant, wont aint. Say Can not, will not, and I am not. A sentence would sound like this. Hail great King! The wind is fair on this day, and the battle is soon to begin. Shall I have the Spiritweavers bless the hunters? See? simple. NEVER use curse words or any slang. Just think slighly broken Old English.
  • No discussing OUT-OF-GAME events/items/people is allowed. (this means discussing the party you had last night, or how much you hate George Bush)
  • When addressing a Barbarian of higher rank you refer to them by their Title only!! Here is a list of proper greeting and goodbyes to the higher rank.
  • King- "Hail High King!" is hello. "Your will be done High King!" is proper leave.
  • Tribe Prince- "Greetings my Prince!" is hello. "As you command my Prince!" is proper leave.
  • Spirit Guardians are address as Guardian only, such as "Hail Guardian!"
  • Mead Hall Guards are addressed as Guard, such as "To your post Guard!"
  • Any rank below the Mead Hall Guards is addressed as Hunter, such as "Hail Hunter!"
  • When engaging in combat with a monster, any battle cries to the Battle God Tempus are acceptable, just try not too talk to much or you'll end up dead.
  • When engaging a Murderer, refer to them only as Murderer, Bastard, Brigand, Fiend and so forth, no calling Murderers Reds!!
  • When looting a monster or Murderer, All Princes loot first, then Mead Guards, Then Guardians loot, any leftovers are given to Hunters or Guard if present. Cutting up of the corpse of a murderer and removing the head for trophy purposes is allowed.
  • Also, when looting a real player you are only allowed to take what is absolutely necessary, so if your a warrior do not loot regs, and if your a mage do not loot weapons. And no looting clothing.
  • We are a LAWFUL-NEUTRAL Tribe, if ever your character becomes a murderer you will be hunted down, killed, then dismissed from the Tribe.
  • Last but not least, Absolutley NO throwing of explosion potions unless you are a Spiritweaver!! You may have Alchemy as a skill but you may only use it for the use of Herbal potions! (healing, stamina, cure, strength, dex) No Barabarian warrior in the history of fantasy realms goes around throwing exploding potions! Im allowing the use of them for Spiritweavers because they dabble in the art of alchemy, therefore they know how to use them.

How to Build a Barbarian

The first step in making your Barbarian is to find a Tribal name. Any name of an unfamiliar Barbarian from, Forgotten Realms, Warhammer, or D&D is acceptable. If you want to be a little more original, try Barbarian name generators! Each Barbarian MUST have a first AND last name. No exceptions! Also this is a non-sexist Tribe! Females are allowed to participate in battles and raids, and they are respected as much as the males of the Tribe!

Now that you've chosen a name its time to create your Barbarian! The only hair requirement as a Barbarian is to have Long Hair. If you are ever caught with a short hair or bold, you will be severely punished, then demoted, then asked to grow your hair back. If you refuse you will be banned. When it comes to the beard, a short beard, long beard both with mustache, and clean shaven are acceptible, all hair colour MUST be Blonde! No acceptions! Skin colour must be between pale and slightly tan, no exceptions. The example above is a picture of a well built Barbarian.


As a Barbarian you will only be allowed to wear leather, and studded leather. Under no circumstances are you to wear any type of helmet other than a Deer Mask!! Armor must be uniform and in one colour (Brown, Light Brown or Tan only) and it must all be the same type. The only clothing allowed are Doublets, Sashes, Half Aprons and Boots and Cloaks. Your clothes must be dyed ONLY with a special dye tub, no reward clothing, black or regular dye tubs allowed. Also ALL clothes must be the same colour. (Brown, Light Brown or Tan.

The only weapons allowed are the ones that follow.

Axe, Two Handed Axe, Large Battle Axe, Double Axe, Battle Axe, War Axe and Hatchet.

Hammers- Hammer Picks and War Hammers only.

Bows- Only normal Bows allowed!

Shields- If by some chance you want to use a shield, you may use only Metal Shields, Bucklers or wooden shields and carry only War Axes or Mauls.

Magic- This is a given, use Magery!

Rank System

There are a total of six different ranks in the White Hart Tribe. As you advance you will given new titles and responsibilities according to your rank. Every New Tribesman starts off low in rank, no matter how powerful your character is. Although most promotions are given out after you've been in the Tribe for a certain period of time, you may very well be promoted for special conduct, such as, saving the High King himself from a near death experience, slaying a well-known murderer single handedly (a head would be needed for proof), or even Dueling your way up! Barbarians are known for there love of war, if you want higher rank, duel a higher ranking Barbarian! Victor takes the position!

  • King- This is the highest rank in the Tribe, only the Guildmaster himself has this title, and as High King he has the ability to ban, demote, execute, command, or deal punishment to any member at any time, so respect your highest authority!
  • Tribe Prince- There are few princes to each Tribe, and only a maximum of two members can be a Prince at once. As a Tribe Prince you will be able to deal out punishments, lead hunts, even demote lower ranked members for rule-breaking behavior. In order to become a Prince you must have been in the Tribe for at least six months, or have beaten another Prince in combat.
  • Spirit Guardian- Only mages are Spirit Guardians, and only five Guardians will be allowed into the Tribe. As a spirit Guardian it is your job to read omens and cast blessings on the warriors before battle, and occasionally joining in on the hunt. You have the ability to tell any lower ranking Barbarian to do anything (as long as its appropriate).
  • Mead Hall Guard- You have one soul responsibility as a Mead Hall Guard, protect the High King and Tribe Prince. You will be tested for your loyalty to the Higher authority at this point, and you may be asked to do some humiliating things before you are chosen for promotion. But in the end it will be worth it, as a Guard you will always get the best quality equipment to best protect the Royalty of the Tribe, as well as the ability to command lower ranking Barbarians in battle. In order to become a Guard you must have been in the Tribe for at least one month.
  • Hunter- As a hunter it is your resposiblity to bring resourses to the Tribe. You will often be hunting creatures for their Pelts and slaying monsters for Gold. In order to become a Mead Hall Guard you must defeat one in single combat.

Class System

These are the different classes of Barbarian. When you first join the Tribe you will be asked to determine what kind of Barbarian you are, once you have made your decision, we ask that you allow your character to be viewed on uogamers to verify that your skills and build match those of your chosen class.

  • Axemaster- Template MUST unclude lumberjacking and swordsmanship, and Axes are the only wepon allowed.
  • Thunderer- Template MUST include Macefighting and only two-handed macefighting wepons are allowed.
  • Spiritweaver - Template must include ONLY magic related skills and Alchemy.
  • Rogue- Template can include, Stealing, Lockpicking, Hiding, Cartography, Stealth, Poisoning, Fencing. And only daggers are allowed.
  • Cleric- Template may only include helpful and benificial skills. You purpose is to keep fellow Barbarians alive and well on the battle field.
  • Crafter- Template may include any variety of crafting skills.

Barbarian Name Generator

**Name Generator**